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Travel Journey API Platform
Product Documentation
Active Intelligence public exposed transport API.
Quote Management (Ethernet)
Product Documentation
Create and retrieve quotes for BT Wholesale Ethernet and Optical products. More information about this API is available in the 'Further information' tab.
The sandbox/test API is a dynamic test environment and should be used for onboarding and…
Appointment Management
Product Documentation
List available engineering appointments and reserve an engineering visit.
Product And Network Availability
Product Documentation
Determine the services available at customer's location and the status of the existing installed services.
Location Analytics
Access insights on footfall activity across any location in UK
The Location Insights API provides reports on visits, home catchment and repeat visits for standard geographies and sites in UK.
Retrieves the Tenure for the associated MSISDN
The Subscriber Tenure API will return a True or False answer as to if the customers subscription tenure (rather than the contract tenure) with EE has been longstanding.
Product Documentation
The Subscriber Tenure API will allow Partners to enter a date and the product will return a True/ False answer as to if the customers subscription tenure with EE started before this date.
Broadband One
Place orders for Broadband One from your systems to The Hub.
Broadband One is managed internet access meeting your customers’ increasing bandwidth demands, with ultra-fast speeds of up to 1Gbps and access technologies including FTTP and SOGEA.
Integrating order and service management with your business…
BT Wholesale HubCo WHCE
Product Documentation
Place orders for Wholesale Hosted Communications Express from your systems to BT Wholesale HubCo.
Hub Insights Data
Provides data on footfall within and journeys to POI locations. Output data spatial aggregation increases on greater distance from the target area.
The Hub Insights API provides volumes for daily footfall, 15 minute window footfall, and journeys to and from client provided or standard geographic areas. This allows you to measure the kinds of visitors to a given space, along with the…
Global Voice Services
Product Documentation
BT one voice customer facing API specs and documentation.
UK Traveller Data
Provides data on international journeys of UK roamers
The UK Traveller Data API provides volumes of international journeys, journey returns and stay durations made by UK roamers as a cross-border origin-destination report with a trip origin abroad and a destination within the UK for UK nationals.…
Footfall Data
Provides data on overall footfall in the UK
The Footfall API provides volumes for overall footfall, footfall density, mobility (time spent in or away home area location) and visits (footfall excluding population observed in home location) for the UK population
Foreign Visitor Data
Provides data on footfall of foreign visitors in UK
This API provides volumes for the overall footfall of foreign visitors to the UK by country of origin, foreign visitors footfall locations, foreign visitors footfall based on their activity on the first day of arrival and foreign visitors…
UK Trips Data
Provides data on UK-wide origin-destination matrix
The UK Trips Data API provides volumes of Middle Layer Super Output areas (MSOA) level origin destination trip connections at monthly and daily level for the UK population.
UK Footfall
Harness the power of footfall data from across UK population
The 'Active Intelligence' category is being transitioned to 'Location Data.' Products will now be accessible under the 'Location Data' category. During this transition, APIs will remain…
The Footfall API provides footfall volumes, demographic and income data for the UK population
Outage Analytics
Provides intelligence on outages across BT GeoMND network
The 'Active Intelligence' category is being transitioned to 'Location Data'. Products will now be accessible under the 'Location Data' category. During this transition, APIs will remain…
The Outage Analytics API provides details on observed areas and/or time periods where BT's GeoMND network has observed outages along with their relative significance to support adjacent reporting.
Real-Time Location Insights
Provide people count estimates within an area within 10 minutes.
The 'Active Intelligence' category is being transitioned to 'Location Data'. Products will now be accessible under the 'Location Data' category. During this transition, APIs will remain…
The Real-time Location Insights APIs provide population count estimates within an area in near real time. There are two APIs within our Real-Time Location Insights:
1. The census API provides data aggregated to a minimum geography of Lower…
Global Voice Services
Initiate ordering of phone numbers for Global Voice Services
Global Voice for CPaaS is the service dedicated to CPaaS and Telco partners who need to make available voice capability through their platform and managing all the end to end journey through a digital experience.
The service provide…
Global Fabric
Configure, price, and deploy Customer Ports in a BT Point of Presence, port only, Extended Data Centre, or on customer premises.
A Customer Port represents an attachment to the BT Global Fabric network. It can be configured for your choice of any available network service and allows the deployment of multiple services at the same time.
You can:
Create a Customer Port…
Product order (WHC/WHC Express)
Product Documentation
Place an order for WHC/WHC Express and any of its core assets; company, numbers, sites and users(WHC Express does not support site and numbers as orderable entity).
Once order is created and submitted, further notifications related to order progression…
Order Management And Progress Updates
Product Documentation
Submit, amend or cancel an order, and receive notifications about the order status. This API is based on TMF622.
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