Provides intelligence on outages across BT GeoMND network
The 'Active Intelligence' category is being transitioned to 'Location Data'. Products will now be accessible under the 'Location Data' category. During this transition, APIs will remain available in both categories until February 3, 2025.
The Outage Analytics API provides details on observed areas and/or time periods where BT's GeoMND network has observed outages along with their relative significance to support adjacent reporting.
Key Features
This API provides data on:
Hourly Outages: Provides data on outages observed on any given day or hour (reported at UK level).
• Identify where outages have been observed within BT’s GeoMND network, down to an hour.
• Assess materiality of outage to determine remediation plan on adjacent reporting .
How does it work?
Production access is approved by your account manager on a case by case basis
To find out more, please visit the Active Intelligence homepage here.