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How are APIs billed / paid for?
FAQ item
Where APIs are chargeable, they are billed under a billing agreement that forms part of our overall commercial contract. Please contact your account manager for more information.
How do I use the API key and secret to call an API?
FAQ item
Most of our external APIs are authenticated with an OAuth token which is generated using the OAuth API. To produce the authorisation string for the OAuth request, the app's client ID, ':' and password are concatenated and base64-encoded. This string is…
How much does it cost to use this site?
FAQ item
Using the developer portal and sandbox APIs is free of charge. Access to live APIs in our production environment are subject to contractual agreement which will specify the commercial terms for API usage.
Why can’t I see API products in the production environment when building an app?
FAQ item
API products in the production environment are only visible in the app creation process to developers who have the appropriate authorization. If you can’t see a product that you think that you should have access to, please contact your account manager.
What is the difference between sandbox and production APIs?
FAQ item
Our sandbox APIs emulate the live environment and give you the opportunity to send test API calls and to receive a simulated response. The production APIs work with our live systems and data.
Do our APIs work with other mobile operators?
FAQ item
Our APIs are designed to work with BT brands only, these include EE, BT and Plusnet. Some APIs support information for MVNOs on our mobile network. Not all of our brands are supported by all APIs – please check the relevant API documentation.
What types of services do your APIs provide?
FAQ item
Our APIs provide a wide range of services relating to both our company’s products and managing interactions with our customers.
How do I find out my quota limits for the production environment?
FAQ item
Depending on how you propose to use our APIs, we may enforce a quota for usage in production. This will be agreed as part of our commercial contract.
How do I access live data?
FAQ item
Live data is only available to organisations with an appropriate contractual agreement. Please contact our account management teams via ‘Contact us’ for further details.
How do I get help with a fault or issue?
FAQ item
Please try to resolve your issue by reading articles in the Knowledge Centre. If you can't find a solution, please use the form in the ‘Contact us’ section.
Why is my app approval status showing as “Pending”?
FAQ item
Apps in the production environment give access to live systems or live data and may require approval / configuration before going live. Please contact you account manager if you are concerned about any delay with your app.
Are there any quota limits on the sandbox environment?
FAQ item
We reserve the right to put limits on the volume of calls made to our sandbox and we believe that customers will be able to create and test their apps in the sandbox without hitting any usage limits.
Account Takeover Protection
Helping to protect customers from fraudulent behaviour
Account Takeover Protection uses a suite of attributes relating to the SIM, network and the device that help businesses identify fraudulent behaviour and protect their end customers. Account checks relate to the SIM (SIM Swap), the network…
Number Verify
Improve customer journeys with Number Verify
It’s good business sense to make your customers’ online journeys and transactions safer. Whether they be in a web session or in an application, Number Verify silently authenticates to make these journeys quicker and more secure.
Number Verify…
Call Divert
Account takeover protection with Call Divert
As the number of digital transactions made around the world grows, so does the risk of account takeover. Where one-time passcodes are sent by voice, our Call Divert product can help. It confirms an outbound call is going to its intended number,…
Number Recycle
Facilitating checks to determine if a phone number has recently been recycled
Number Recycle allows you to determine if a MSISDN has been recycled, and if so the date/time stamps that the MSISDN was last deactivated. A deactivated MSISDN will go through a recycle process to be cleansed from EE systems and will ultimately…
Crediting provides an innovative loyalty or reward scheme by allowing credits to be paid to EE mobile phone accounts.
This API lets you pay a credit directly onto the end user’s bill. Loyalty schemes can use it to reward end users for making purchases with affiliated brands; retailers and restaurants are among early adopters of this technology. This exciting new…
Verify data
Product Documentation
Validate the service provider information and the data they are using, in order to prevent potential duplicate order failures.
Used to retrieve the following key data for a Reseller: sales tag, reseller id, xxxx.
Used to enter and verify whether proposed…
Airtime Rewards
Case Study
Airtime Rewards offers a unique loyalty programme that gives customers money off their mobile phone bill, simply for shopping with their favourite brands. It’s a card-linked rewards scheme that covers both online and offline transactions.
Airtime Rewards…
Stand Up To Cancer
Case Study
Charity Stand Up to Cancer wanted to see increased donations during its live telethons, and realised that Charge to Bill offered an alternative quick and easy way for the public to donate, and one that is potentially accessible to everybody.
Working with…
Case Study
Although Microsoft already offered its customers a range of payment options, it recognised that the seamless nature of Charge to Bill improves its overall conversion rate. It also wanted to give its customers a greater choice of payment options,…
Case Study
As digital transactions have grown, the number of account takeovers involving customer phone numbers, in which SIM information is ported to another device without the account holders’ knowledge, has increased. It has particularly been an issue for…
Know Your Customer
Product Documentation
Know Your Customer (KYC) match offers a mechanism through which a service provider can submit end user (customer) information to validate such as name, address, mobile telephone number to a mobile network operator for comparison against their records. The…
Call Divert
Product Documentation
This product confirms an outbound call is going to its intended number, and isn’t being diverted to a potentially fraudulent one – giving customers more security and greater peace of mind.
Account Takeover Protection
Product Documentation
Account Takeover Protection uses a suite of attributes relating to the SIM, network and the device that help businesses identify fraudulent behaviour and protect their end customers. Account checks relate to the SIM (SIM Swap), the network (call forward…
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