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Rail Network

  • Location data

Provides strategic insights into current and future demand on the UK’s railway network

This set of APIs focus on enabling the rail industry to manage and predict demand on the railways to support their customers.

For example, understanding where demand originates from; how people travel to and from stations; how they travel on the network; and some high level categorisation of the types of people using the network.

The data behind the APIs is based on BT’s GeoMND (Mobile Network Data) which is anonymised and aggregated using tight GDPR controls, enabling these patterns of movement to be surfaced and analysed.

Key features

The APIs provide data on:

  • Passenger Volumes – The number of people travelling on each train service.
  • Modal Share – Understanding the proportion of journeys taken by road vs. rail.
  • Alighters and Boarders – The number of people that get on and off individual train services.
  • Station Catchments – Where do the people who use a station come from?
  • Origin-Destination – The time taken for train services to travel between two stations and the passenger volume.


These APIs help the rail industry put the customer first by providing a comprehensive view of how the rail network is used now and how it could be used in the future. For example:

  • Design timetables that better meet customer needs;
  • Make the case for strategic rail investment;
  • Manage train rolling stock so that it can be used as efficiently as possible;
  • Understand where demand flows from and how that demand can be met more effectively;

How does it work?

The API will return a signed URL. The API then returns the data.

Sandbox and Production access is approved by your account manager on a case-by-case basis.

To find out more, please visit the Active Intelligence homepage here.

Alternatively, please contact your Account Manager or the Active Intelligence support team at

APIs Included

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