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UK Travellers API


Provides volumes of international journeys, journey returns and stay durations made by UK roamers as a cross-border origin-destination report with a trip origin abroad and a destination within the UK for UK nationals. Data is...

Product Documentation

Generic Numbering API


Generic Numbering API facilitates you to place Number Management and Numbering Porting orders. Order and allocate, activation, deallocation, deactivation & DirectActivation new number. Create, amend and cancel an order to...

Product Documentation
BT Wholesale

Address Management


Search the Rest of BT (RoBT) and Openreach address databases to find address records and keys to be used in orders. Where no suitable matching address is found, create an address and obtain a temporary address key.

Product Documentation
BT Wholesale

Appointment Management


List available engineering appointments and reserve an engineering visit.

Product Documentation
BT Wholesale

Product And Network Availability


Determine the services available at customer's location and the status of the existing installed services.

Product Documentation
BT Wholesale

Order Management And Progress Updates


Submit, amend or cancel an order, and receive notifications about the order status. This API is based on TMF622.

Product Documentation