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Content lock

Product and Offer

This API product retrieves the level of content lock for a given account from 3 security levels.

Product Documentation

Data pass eligibility

Product and Offer

Retrieves all data passes that this customer is eligible for, and presents them in a list.

Product Documentation

Road Network API

Active Intelligence

Returns a signed URL used to access a CSV file containing road network data.

Product Documentation
BT Wholesale

Address Management


Search the Rest of BT (RoBT) and Openreach address databases to find address records and keys to be used in orders. Where no suitable matching address is found, create an address and obtain a temporary address key.

Product Documentation
BT Wholesale

Appointment Management


List available engineering appointments and reserve an engineering visit.

Product Documentation
BT Wholesale

Product And Network Availability


Determine the services available at customer's location and the status of the existing installed services.

Product Documentation