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BT Wholesale

Product And Network Availability


Determine the services available at customer's location and the status of the existing installed services.

Product Documentation
BT Wholesale

Order Management And Progress Updates


Submit, amend or cancel an order, and receive notifications about the order status. This API is based on TMF622.

Product Documentation
BT Wholesale

Verify data


Validate the service provider information and the data they are using, in order to prevent potential duplicate order failures.

  • Used to retrieve the following key data for a Reseller: sales tag, reseller id, xxxx. -...
Product Documentation
BT Wholesale

Validate and qualify company


Use this API to validate key data before placing an order on WHC/WHC Express.This will prevent order submission failures.

  • Validate the required unique fields, 'Company Name & Company Domain', are not already in use before...
Product Documentation
BT Wholesale

Number portability check


Check whether a particular number range (for WHC Express you can only port a particular number not number range) can be ported based on portState value in response.

  • Enter a number to verify if this is capable of being...
Product Documentation
BT Wholesale

Product Order (Ethernet)


Place, modify and track Ethernet orders across Etherway Fibre (EAD), Etherflow Connected, Etherflow Internet and Etherway Superfast GEA (SOGEA & FTTP).

Product Documentation