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Foreign Visitor API


Provides volumes for the overall footfall of foreign visitors to the UK by country of origin, foreign visitors footfall locations, foreign visitors footfall based on their activity on the first day of arrival and foreign...

Product Documentation

UK Trips API

  • Provides volumes of MSOA level origin destination trip connections at monthly and daily level for the UK population, API returns signed URL to access UK trips CSV file containing the data, time expiry for signed URL is 15...
Product Documentation

UK Travellers API


Provides volumes of international journeys, journey returns and stay durations made by UK roamers as a cross-border origin-destination report with a trip origin abroad and a destination within the UK for UK nationals. Data is...

Product Documentation
BT Wholesale

BT Wholesale HubCo WHCE


Place orders for Wholesale Hosted Communications Express from your systems to BT Wholesale HubCo.

Product Documentation
BT Wholesale

Address Management


Search the Rest of BT (RoBT) and Openreach address databases to find address records and keys to be used in orders. Where no suitable matching address is found, create an address and obtain a temporary address key.

Product Documentation
BT Wholesale

Verify data


Validate the service provider information and the data they are using, in order to prevent potential duplicate order failures.

  • Used to retrieve the following key data for a Reseller: sales tag, reseller id, xxxx. -...
Product Documentation